I wrote this for myself as much as I did for you
Dear you,
yes you,
scrolling past this post,
on your way,
to another dose of despair.
Lift up your eyes,
look out your window
at the
Leave your smartphones
and smartwatches behind
and go.
Lift up the limbs that you’ve been given
to the sun,
breathe in the oxygen,
the trees have so lovingly made
for you,
see and smell the blossoms
they have bloomed
for you.
If you can,
hold the life of a small creature
in your hands,
and feel its tiny life and beating heart,
so much like your own,
both of you so small in this vast world.
You are small, yes
but you are not
You can smile at another,
you can plant seeds in earth,
you can love your friends
and your family,
you can speak a kind word,
you can give a few dollars
to a good cause,
you can even,
write a poem.
Shut out the voices
of the megalomaniacs
making money off your fear,
feasting on your paralyzed flesh
like a pack of crazed hyenas.
Do not despair,
do not give up,
do not give in,
but stand in your small earthen self
and be.